German Tv ARD making documentary on RED BRIGADE.

German TV ARD made a documentary on RED BRIGADE. Mr. Gabor and team with Mr. P.M.Narayanan, on 12-13 feb 2013. A protest by brigade on GPO Lucknow city. Interwiews were taken on issues like how to support woman with Help-Lines, as well as the BONE TEST of 6th worst rapist of New Delhi.

Here is the link for the broadcast.


Dienstag, 19. Februar 2013, 23:30 bis 00:00 Uhr [VPS 23:30]
Wiederholung am Donnerstag, 21.02.2013 um 01:50 Uhr 


Watch the broadcast online in German by clicking here!

Watch the broadcast online in German with English subtitles by clicking here !


Protest Against Sexual Violence- # Bring Back Our Girls

In The Memory of Delhi Girl, on 29th may 2014, we protest to support Nigerian girl # Bring Back Our Girls and to ensure security of Girls.

We demand from our Government...
- Provide  Compensation to Acid            survivor  timely
- make a rule of Acid Sales
- Self Defence to every girl
- Awareness of Child sexual related        law 
- To ensure a Academy for  

Radio Station Flux FM Report

This Radio Station broadcast a brief report on the RED-BRIGADES on Jan 29th in Germany. You can listen to the broadcasting here (Its in German only!)

Report of the activities done in 2012 and outlook

About RED BRIGADE..........

Red Brigade  is the group of the 14-18 year teen age girls. Who fight against sexual abuses with school going children. They have a group of street play too, who shows play on different issues. Red brigade  running in Madiyav, Lucknow. Madiyav a remote area of south Lucknow, and it is situated at the border of village area. In this area lots of incident specially sexual abuses is a big problems. Firstly we start work with ASHA taking education. And we start a non formal school as BALMANCH  in Madiyav since 2002, because in this area 90% children  mostly girls were non school going. we suffered for land. After that we take loan from a organization and purchased a short land.